上線狀態:    住戶編號:1994758
 urfototravbud 的檔案 瀏覽說明
公寓造型 / 本人照片
交友編號: 1994758   公寓獎章
瀏覽次數: 1276428
人氣指數: 1289298
友好指數: 72
更新日期: 2024-04-28 05:31
上次上站: 2024-10-06 13:29
暱 稱: urfototravbud 性 別: 男生  
年 齡: 52 歲 星 座: 射手座
身 高: 168cm(5'6") 血 型: AB型
體 重: 60kg(132lbs) 職 業: 待業中
感 情: 單身
  現  居 住: 台灣> 台中市 > 北屯區
  家  鄉: 台灣> 台中市 > 西區
  收  入: 10000元以下
  抽  煙: 從來不抽
  飲  酒: 滴酒不沾
  個  性: 完美主義
  信  仰:
  學  歷: 大學/學院
  學  校: 尚未填寫
  自我介紹 檢舉自介
Scroll down for the English version.

· 頭像 2020-07 數位相機 (無美肌) 拍攝,零修圖
· 客家土樓、 七星岩、 中央大街、 世界之窗、 玉龍雪山、 小布達拉宮

我的興趣是拍照,因此也喜歡到處走走,尤其是去中國的世界遺產與首批 5A 級景區,再順道入境香港去逛逛。

我自助去過的地方有:廣西、 雲南、 安徽、 江蘇、 浙江、 黑龍江、 湖南、 廣東、 福建、 山西、 陜西、 河北、 香港、 澳門、 北京、 上海。 其中比較有挑戰性的是:背著十幾公斤的相機包與三腳架徒步 (當時還沒有地軌纜車) 走了黃山西海大峽谷一整圈、 去到氣溫 −30 °C 的哈爾濱冰雪大世界、 以及上到海拔 4,680 m 的玉龍雪山冰川公園。

First of all, my profile pic was shot on my digital camera in mid 2020 without any post processing, unlike others that were shot on the smartphones with beauty enhancement. lol

I am single, unmarried and childless. In fact, I have never shacked up with my exes. I graduated from the top ranked department in Taiwan, i.e., my score on the Joint College Entrance Examination was high enough to get into almost whichever college department in my country. lol

My hobby is travel photography, especially shooting with my Hasselblad cameras loaded with exclusively color reversal films for landscapes at China's World Heritage sites and first batch of 5A rated scenic areas. I will enter Hong Kong if having to wait near half day for a connecting flight at HKG.

I have independently traveled to half of the provinces of China, such as Guangxi, Yunnan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Heilongjiang, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hebei, Hong Kong, Macau, Beijing and Shanghai. The most challenging are, while carrying a 12 kg*¹ camera shoulder bag and a 3 kg tripod, fully hiking the West Sea Grand Canyon of Mount Huangshan before its sightseeing cableway was built, visiting the Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival in extreme cold weather of −30 °C*², and reaching an altitude of 4,680 m at the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Glacier Park.

I am looking for one photo travel buddy especially who likes posing for casual portraits. A foreigner will be even more preferable as we can do language exchange, i.e., I teach you Mandarin and Taiwanese and learn your native language. If you are interested in getting acquainted with me, feel free to leave a message. Thank you and have a nice day.

*¹ now 13.5 kg
*² estimated by a local cabbie
  年齡要求: 18~99歲
  身高要求: 160cm(5'3")~180cm(5'11")
  體重要求: 45kg(99lbs)~60kg(132lbs)
  學歷要求: 大學/學院
  個性要求: 善良的,溫柔的 ,有耐心的
  希望交往關係: 同好搭檔