1) on MSN instant messenger: me: :O it's 1:30am, way past your bed time pal: some big news has kept me up me: what big news? a-bian? pal: right me: what happened? he was still bull@#$%ing on tv only a while ago pal: suprisingly his supporters bought it me: oh...that. i thought he or his wife had committed suicide or something...that'd be big news pal: even if they did that, it'd be for show only, like the two bullets were used to win rather than to kill 2) 體制的功能之一, 是監管被賦以權力的公僕 就像狗脖子上的繩子, 是讓主人控制那隻狗用的 如果狗開始不聽話, 胡作非為, 還倒牽著主人窮逛花園 那就是主人放棄繩子, 拿出打狗棒, 狠狠修理那畜牲之時 這不是官逼民反(那個朝代的觀念啊?) 是狗犯賤討揍, 主人也就無須手軟了 嗯...該用打狗棍法裡的那一招呢? 3) 臺灣已無什外交 還在那裡賣力的窮辯 什麼秘密, 洩密的 還真拿著麥桿當關刀耍呢