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篇名: Stress
作者: Hellen 日期: 2014.04.15  天氣:  心情:
I went to see a movie(Blue Jasmine) yesterday .
It mentioned about how stress influence a woman .
Experts call the problem as "Black Death of the 21st century."
The original Black Death is estimated to have killed 25 million people in Europe in the 14th century.
It affect our ability to go to work . Employee stay home sick 4 continuous weeks .

Layoffs have increased worker s fear of losing their jobs and work longer hours .
Stress often causes changes in behavior . Hard to focus on things, loose your temper easily, lost sense of humor .
Problems include difficulty in sleeping, overeating or drinking in excess .
Serious problems can become chronic arthritis or diabetes .

Employers can help by showing individual workers they have value .
Allow them to have some say in decisions that affect their jobs .
Everyone should work together to look for ways to cope with on-the-job stress
瀏覽次數:186    人氣指數:386    累積鼓勵:10
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