檔案狀態:    住戶編號:494525
 CaspAr 的日記本
NoMore!! 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 WorldSeries!!
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵  檢舉
篇名: MoreWorks!!
作者: CaspAr 日期: 2006.10.23  天氣:  心情:

Pic :  老闆的親筆簽名;  
"For Ming, My Artist Friend/我的藝術家朋友.........Antoine Predock"

Ming大概真得是露營中標了  昨天下午頭昏目眩   於是告假回家休息去了........

Kaka 跟Cory在一旁聊天   談論月底
Rutgers University 校園規劃邀請競圖案即將大揭曉的作戰策略....... 這是Ming來這間公司所參與的第一個競圖案     也是Ming至今7年業界的建築生涯中所參與的最規模的競圖案......  那到底這案子多大勒??  

 校園整體規劃建議書跟兩棟教學大樓   一棟學生宿舍   
總工程款  320 million/ 三億兩千萬美金................

無預警的走道Ming的座位旁    還好Ming今天有新工作     不然上網大概會被抓包吧.....@@     突然問了Ming一個問題......

AP: "Ming, are you feeling better?? 
Can you do me a favor??  Can you write "MY ARTIST FRIEND" in chinese charactors for me.... " 

Ming: "Hi, Antoine.... I am better now thanks......You mean right now??

AP: " Yes....... OK..... I just want to let you now that we had a office meeting yesterday about all those major projects we are dealing with right now in this critical situation.    NPM, and Canada Project are kinda holding up right now..... We need to get money from NPM as soon as possible before doing anything.     Canada government is taking over the museum, so we might need to change the design, but we are still waiting for the further notice to keep moving on.....   and some other projects... make sure Cory will tell you....." 

老闆總是像鯊魚一樣神出鬼沒    不知不覺的出現    也莫名其妙的離開.......  
有時那嚴厲的眼神似乎說著......"I am watching you; dont fuck with me......"   大概人老了都這樣吧.....@@       凡事靜悄悄進行......

Ming : "So, whats going on yesterday, cory?? "

C: "Finally, we got positive response from NPM the other day... besides that, there are couple projects coming in maybe....... one in Houston, and another major one XXX Academy Museum in Hollywood, Sunset Blvd.,..... This one is a huge one, 250-million project,  we are invited to submit a proposal, and Gehry is invited as well...... " 

Ming: "Is this gonna be another competition??? compete with Frank Gehry?? " 

C: "We dont know yet. If thats the case, its gonna be fun and tough..... And finally, Rutgers is coming back. We have a presentation the end of this month... Same as the others, Norton, Eisenman, Nouvel and Morphosis..... we got a pretty good shot..... hope we can win.....We will see next month......i guess........" 

下班前.....這隻老鯊魚又游了過來.....  拿著兩本書....  一本給了KarKa   是老闆最近新出的書.....  老闆在給KarKa的書上簽了西班牙文.... 因為KarKa是西班牙裔的美國人.....   
不一會而...... Ming的雙眼跟鯊魚的白牙有了接觸......  

AP: "Ming, check this out..... i wrote it..... can you tell it??!!  I  think i got it 80 % right......"

Ming看了看老闆寫的....."For Ming, my Artist Friend  /  我的藝術家朋友....."

Ming: "Thats cool.... its awesome...... is this for me??   thank you so much Antoine.... I  appreciate it ...."

AP: "No problem...... oh.... by the way.... happy birthday!!"

這一輩子第一次從名建築師手中拿到生日禮物......  很特別的感覺.....   AP 真是一隻可愛又可笑的鯊魚.......  而且還是一隻很老的鯊魚......   或許Ming真的是命大.....  貴人一個接著一個.....
王老師..... 吳老師.... 初次就業後的邱老師.... 在美國第一份工作的Hisashi..... 一直到深處在美國內陸哪都不是的鳥地方..... 依舊遇到一位很和藹可親的鯊魚.......  

或許曾經也是旅人過客的AP    知道Ming離家8000哩的愁與憂........

曾幾何時 在那大學時代 這些耳熟能響的國際知名建築師們 似乎是那種遙不可及之感..... 
也曾幾何時   心中不時的拜讀這些大師的作品   
憑藉著書本內圖面與照片的想像    便自我神遊在這些大師極的建築裡...... 

更沒妄想過能有機會跟這些人拿到同一張白紙 一同在這白紙上尋求最適合的解答...... 

Ming好想飛一趟紐澤西.....  去聽聽這些世界一流的名建築師是如何唬濫臭蓋的

Frank Gehry; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Gehry  
Antoine Predock;
Enrique Norton;
Peter Eisenman;
Jean Nouvel;
Morphosis/ Thom Mayne;
瀏覽次數:746    人氣指數:28326    累積鼓勵:1379
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
給本文愛的鼓勵:  最新愛的鼓勵
NoMore!! 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 WorldSeries!!
時間:2006-11-30 23:37
她, 50歲,亞洲其他,其他
時間:2006-10-28 10:47
她, 44歲,亞洲其他,教育研究
時間:2006-10-24 22:23
她, 38歲,歐洲,教育研究
時間:2006-10-23 15:15
她, 41歲,桃園市,其他
