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 喵喵 的日記本
2007/06/22的日記 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 2007/06/26的日記
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篇名: 2007/06/24的日記
作者: 喵喵 日期: 2007.06.24  天氣:  心情:
壓力大了#-O 胃又不舒服了:-& 昨天請年休假去補習班上課...一整天 到晚上九點突然胃酸逆流...超難過...應該是胃老大在跟我抗議最近吃太辣囉b-( There was a crossroads today: to go to the cram school or tour the temples in the middle part of Taiwan.:-? After considering, I decided to spend 14 hours to attest the friendship between Ling(the matchmaker on May 26) and I. Expectably, she showed her anger with me for refusing to go on the blind date. She didn't talk to me, she ignored me all day long. This was the third time.In the past, it did hurt me. But now, my inner power is stronger. As an adult, you may use a mature way to deal with it. At least, you shall talk to me in order to know my thoughts if you really treat me like a real friend. 不要再等妳發現事實真相或事過境遷時 再用"水清魚現"來證明我 要為我不曾說過的話負責嗎? 哈哈 好笑
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2007/06/22的日記 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 2007/06/26的日記